Every homeowner dreads waking up to damages after a bad storm — but preparation is, as always, the key to success. If disaster strikes your home, know how to safely survey the damage and take the steps you need to get your repairs fixed as soon as possible. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to dealing with potential storm damage to your roof.

  1. Check inside for leaks.

    Start by assessing the inside of your home, particularly in the attic. Look for any water leaks or any visible rays of light shining through the ceiling where it shouldn’t be. You want to protect your home from any potential interior damages, too.

  2. Check the ground.

    Look around your yard for any signs of storm damage, including broken tiles or shingles that might have fallen off as a result of wind or hail damage.

  3. Check the gutters.

    Next, it’s time to take a look at parts of your house itself. The gutters are an easy place to identify any dents or cracks, which should give you an idea of how badly the roof systems themselves got hit. Shingles and debris may also accumulate in the gutters.

  4. File an insurance claim.

    If you notice damages, talk with your insurance company about filing a claim as soon as possible. If you’re able, also document any storm damages. A quick filing can help ease the costs of roof repairs and get your house back in shape sooner.

  5. Find a good roofing company.

    Don’t be tempted to try to walk out on your roof by yourself if you suspect storm damage. Find an experienced roofing contractor to survey the area for you. Filing an insurance claim before you hire a roofer will give you a better sense of how much you can spend on repairs. Bear in mind that most roofers charge for their work in squares or every 10×10 foot patch of roof. The average-sized roof has between 22 and 26 squares, which will cost between $1,000 and $4,000 to fully replace and between $2,000 to $8,500 to have installed professionally. Be sure to know what your insurance will cover before you accept an estimate from a roofing company.

Dealing with storm damages to your home doesn’t need to be stressful. Have a plan at the ready to assess the situation and get the help you need to keep your home safe and secure.


The start of a new calendar year is the perfect time for homeowners to go through their property and plan out any repairs, upgrades, or fixes that might become necessary in the near future, especially when it comes to your roof systems. Planning ahead with preventative maintenance can help you avoid the high costs of unanticipated fixes like roof repairs. On average, homeowners have to spend between one to four percent of their home value on annual maintenance and repairs, though those costs tend to increase the older a house is. To help you plan and budget, here’s a list of inspections and maintenance worth going through in January to keep your home’s roof in tip-top shape all year round.

    1. Schedule an inspection
      Your roofing needs to be inspected at least once a year for loose or missing shingles, leaks, soft spots, or any problem areas. Don’t think that you can accurately assess it yourself from the ground. Hire professional roofing contractors to check over everything thoroughly and safely.


    1. Review your insurance
      You never know when wacky weather might strike here in Colorado. Make sure your insurance protection and coverage is up-to-date and covers hail damage to your roof. On the other hand, if you’ve made improvements like adding impact-resistant shingles, you may be eligible for a discount on your insurance premium.


  1. Check the attic space
    The winter is a great time to determine just how well insulated your attic space is and whether your roofing needs any leak repairs. Check for wet drips during a sunny day after a snowfall or look for pinholes of light shining through the ceiling. These are sure signs that you have at least a few small repairs to make or if you might need an entirely new roof altogether.

The best way to save money on home maintenance is to plan for repairs before problems come crashing through the roof. Get inspected, get insured, and check for leaks this New Year’s and you’ll be able to rely on the roof over your head for the rest of the year to come.


Sure, an “impact resistant roof” sounds desirable — but is it really worth the investment cost? If you live in a place like Denver, the answer is 100% yes!

In general, your roofing needs depend on your climate and weather conditions. Here in Colorado, you experience not only hot summers and cold winters but frequent hailstorms and maybe even an occasional tornado warning, too. In short, you have to be prepared for anything Mother Nature throws your way.

All types of impact resistant roofs will work well in Denver when it comes to protecting your home from hail damage. So how do you choose between the different materials available for roofing systems? Here’s a quick rundown of the pros and cons of several types of impact resistant roofs.


    • Pros: strong, durable, and energy-efficient. Metal roofs are popular for helping control indoor temperatures, deflecting excess sun rays in the summer and absorbing welcome warmth during the winter.


  • Cons: As a less traditional type of roofing material, not all homeowners like the look of metal. However, a painted metal roof can often blend right in, maintaining 95% of its initial emittance and reflectance over time.


    • Pros: Tiles made of concrete are virtually impenetrable when it comes to hail. They also look more natural and come in a wide variety of colors.


  • Cons: As you might guess, a roof made out of concrete tiles is going to be heavy. Your home may require additional supports or precautions to support the tiles, which might make the process cost-prohibitive for some older homes.

No matter which types of impact resistant roofs you choose, one of the biggest advantages for homeowners is the insurance discount you can get for having them installed. Despite the initial investment costs, this break can pay for itself over time. Of course, there’s also the benefit of knowing that your home will be able to withstand rough hailstorms that come with the territory of living in the beautiful Denver area. If you’re ready to get impact-resistant, call us at Advanced Roofing today for more information.


Many homeowners are already familiar with the idea of using tiles or shingles for residential roofs. But one of the fastest-growing markets in the roofing business today is metal. Many people understandably have a lot of questions about metal roofing, so we’ve put together a quick list of Frequently Asked Questions — and answers — about some of the reasons why you might want to consider metal for your next roof.

What does a metal roof cost compared to other roof systems?
When it comes to a project that’s as large and expensive as a new roof, cost is always the first question on people’s minds. Most metal roofing materials are comparable in price to tile, which means they’re more expensive than asphalt shingles, but less expensive than slate. However, metal roofs also have an incredibly long life expectancy: some as long as 50 years, so it may be the only roof you ever need to buy.

Will a metal roof protect my house from hail damage?
Yes. Metal roofing materials are one of the most trusted types of impact resistant roofs. They won’t dent or fall off from hail damage, even in Colorado’s wacky weather.

Is it eco-friendly?
Metal roofs almost always contain at least 25% recycled content, and they’re recyclable at the end of their lifespan, too. Moreover, many homeowners can reduce their indoor heating or cooling costs by switching to an Energy Star-certified metal roof compared to tile or asphalt.

Will it match the look of my home?
Metal roofing materials come in a wide range of colors and styles that mimic the look of traditional tile. On the other hand, if you want to go bold with your home exterior, metal can achieve a very contemporary look that other materials can’t match.

A metal roof may not be right for every home, but there are plenty of good reasons to consider it if you’re in the market for a roofing upgrade. Light, durable, and affordable, metal may just be the roofing choice of the future. If you’re still left wondering whether metal could be the right fit for your home, don’t hesitate to contact us to answer all of your questions.


Colorado’s altitude makes it a welcome place for getaways, outdoor lovers and residents craving low humidity and moderate, gorgeous weather. However, along with the elevation comes higher ultraviolet light rays, which can be damaging not only to your body, but to your roof as well. Knowing the risks of high UV can help you prepare and prevent issues down the road.

The Risk of High UV Light in Colorado

At an elevation of 5,280 feet, Denver is at the mercy of higher ultraviolet rays than most. Because there is less atmosphere for the sun’s rays to pass through, the Mile High City is right in the line of more intense radiation. This stronger radiation can affect rooftops, particularly flat ones or those with flat membranes, that are exposed to a high amount of direct sunlight.

Ultraviolet Damage to Roofing

What happens when a roof is exposed to such strong UV radiation over time is a change and breakdown of the chemicals in the roof’s material. When enough chemical breakdown occurs, the roofing material is prone to allowing water to seep through.

Types of Roofing Prone to UV Damage

All roofs are at risk of ultraviolet light damage, but those with flat membranes, materials made of EPDM, Modified Bitumen, BUR or TPO, and/or asphalt shingles are at particular risk for premature roof degradation.

In the case of asphalt shingles, the molecular changes caused by strong sun rays leave them at high risk of cracking and brittleness. When combined with the thermal shock (the expansion and contraction of the material triggered by hot and cold temperature fluctuations) that occurs in the hot summer months, these types of roofs are at higher than average risk of UV-related damage.

How to Protect Against UV Light Damage to Roofs

To give your roof the best chance of lasting longer under the Colorado sun, make sure a roof coating is applied, which drastically reduces the temperature of your roof, fixes and seals leaks, and ward off degradation to increase the roof’s lifespan.

Also consider replacing your roof with a metal roof (learn more about the many benefits of metal roofing here).

Finally, make sure to have your roof inspected regularly by a professional, who can check for the signs and symptoms of a damaged roof and provide the information you need to file an insurane claim.

Advanced Roofing Systems offers a full range of services to meet any of your roofing needs, including coatings, repairs, replacements and assessments. Call us today at 303-219-1025.